Friday, February 20, 2009


Also, in an effort to challenge myself more in Advanced Writing, I decided I was going to post what I write in there, at least every once in a while. So here's what I wrote today. The prompt was Sacred Place? and I definitely will appreciate any thoughts you have (constructive criticism: I'm particularly concerned about cliches and also what you think works - if anything).

"Sacred Is Nowhere I Am"

Where is sacred?
The church others occupy
The home
People invade: is sacred alone?
Alone is lonely.

Sometimes lonely demands.
Sacred pulls a story:
Twisted experience.
Sacred is a fortress.
But my know-how - what is that?

Human crumbles;
I am not sacred.
But I
(my soul) -
That is consecrated.

Soul - [sohl] noun
The animating principle
Of life, feeling, thought,
the essential element
In everyone that is individual.

I don't have the knack -
Holy is what I can do.
Dust is not sacred,
Nor is bone.
Sacred is breath.

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