Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Not Quite

Nope, I haven't forgotten you just yet. Here's a list of important things I should talk about but need sleep too much to do so right now.
  • Barack Obama was inaugurated today as the first black President of the USA. A big deal.
  • JTerm is almost over (that's code for "Ohio is almost here!!!!!!!!").
  • I was working on my book list for the spring semester and my computer screen went all kinds of crazy. (MACBOOK??!!)
  • After I relocated to the computer lab, I scoured the Internet and succeeded in being a thrifty person and keeping the book list for 3 English classes, 1 History class and Intro to Wellness around (slightly under) $225. This is a ridiculous achievement, and I am, accordingly, ridiculously proud of it.
  • I'm about halfway through Northanger Abbey. It's a good book, but not matching up to Emma, Pride and Prejudice, or Sense and Sensibility. Good news though - I am enjoying it far more than I did Mansfield Park.
So, that's how it is right now. When I get my computer fixed (or a new one - I so completely despise this computer; I practically look for opportunities to break it (except I didn't do it this time, promise). If you haven't heard the story, ask. It's a good one.), I will do a real blog post. So many good topics running through my head today (chapel - is world reconciliation feasible before the second coming of Christ?) (Obama - is leadership quality or policy more important in choosing a president?), but no time, and then, when time was gained, no computer. Anyways, that's it for now. Hopefully, my computer will decide to stop being stupid, because I really don't have time for its tantrums right now.

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