Sunday, January 11, 2009


I know, I know, I've neglected you and I'm supremely sorry for it. There's no excuse, except I just didn't feel like it, so there.

Life is very boring right now. Add going from Philadelphia at Christmastime to Grantham in the dead of winter when half the already smallish student population is not there to the fact that my roommate (whom I haven't actually lived with yet) is also not here and the fact that I have absolutely no homework ever for my Jterm class and you get Utter Boredom.

So I've watched the first season of Friends in less than a week. Several movies. I'm almost done with a book which I should have finished long ago if it were not for the aforesaid Friends and movies. I also got a job on Friday, so hopefully that will take up more time. But it is only five hours a week. I need human contact outside of class!

Sorry, I'm very whiny, but I think I have good reason. And that may be all I feel like talking about right now. So bye!

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