Thursday, November 27, 2008


Guess where I'm sitting?!

On my newly hardwood living room floor! Yeah, my family tore out the carpet. The point is, I'm home!! This semester has been really weird, because I'm pretty sure it's the happiest one yet, but I've also missed my family the most. I had to struggle to not break down in tears while I was waiting for my plane to land. I hadn't seen my dad or Rachel or Phillip in three months! It was such a great feeling to walk towards them in the airport.

So now, we're piled in the living room with some friends, watching A Muppet Christmas Carol with the fabulous Michael Caine. So wonderful! I thought I would post; it's been a while since I articulated my thoughts here. 

Lots has been going on, but not all of it belongs here. My semester in Philadelphia has three weeks left, and I'm sad about that, but I think I would be more sad if I stayed when everyone else had left. I'm headed back to Grantham in January, and I am glad. I was thinking, this semester has been like a glimpse of what my life as a real adult will be, and now I'm headed back to college. I know I will love living in the city once I've graduated, but for now, the positively rural Messiah College is good enough for me. 

Concerning next semester, I will quite possibly die. THREE English courses, ONE History course with a reading-crazy prof, and poor pathetic Intro to Wellness. Plus two jobs, one at the Writing Center (hopefully, if they'll have me) and my old one mopping floors in Kline. Yes, Internet, I am going to die. Or I'll just have to stop procrastinating. And have no social life.

Speaking of my social life (sort of), Sunday night I watched The Return of the King with my friend Dave. It was so great to talk about how Shelob was out of place and the Silmarillion and how they screwed with Faramir's character and have someone understand what I mean! It's nice to find a fellow Ringer (am I allowed to use that word? I'm not sure I'm hardcore enough).

While I'm home for break (a mere four days), I need to get some serious reading done. I have a book review due Thursday, a presentation on another paper the same day, and a book review next Wednesday. Also my resume must get done, at all costs. I've got to get that submitted for a summer internship in Philly!

I am going to venture out tomorrow, on Black Friday, in search of a dress for the MCPC banquet thing next Saturday. Don't talk to me about spending extra money. Just don't even go there. Please do pray for me though, wandering amongst the crazy crowds on the day after Thanksgiving.

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