Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Whatever - I can't think of titles

I thought I would say a quick hello, as I promised a post Monday, and it is now Wednesday (not that you're disappointed or anything :)). I sort of vaguely hinted at my troubles at getting into Crime and Punishment. I think it's just being lazy. I think I'm on the third chapter now? Not great progress if I expect to get through a whole shelf in a month and a half and this is only my third book in six weeks. However, I will buckle down and read tomorrow on my break, and hopefully after. I am also beginning to learn French, so even if I'm not reading, I'm not being totally unproductive.

However, I did say this must be quick, and I am now going to make good on my promise to buckle down and read. I know, I'm not rambling for paragraphs on end, slightly disappointing, but there will be some rambling next time!

Until then!

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